Provider identification
Responsible for the content according to § 6 Abs.1 MDStV and § 8 Abs.1 TDG
Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH
MAILINGER Innovative fiber solutions GmbH
Seegel 4
D - 36205 Sontra
Industriestrasse 4
D - 57584 Scheuerfeld
Markus Mailinger
Devin Schmitt
Local court:
AG Montabaur HRB 21959
DE 268342629
Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH,
Legal notice:
The information published by Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH on its website has been carefully compiled.
Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH does not guarantee that the information is up-to-date, factually correct or complete.
Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH does not accept any responsibility for the correctness of the information provided on the linked website, nor does it adopt the content as its own.
Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH assumes no liability in this respect.
Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH assumes no responsibility for actions taken on the basis of this website. The use of the website and the downloading of data are at the user's own risk. Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH accepts no responsibility for any damage caused, in particular to data files or the user's hardware or software. Mailinger innovative fiber solutions GmbH reserves the right to change the content of this website at any time at its own discretion and without prior notice.